Letter to Members

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MyArtGuide.com is designed to build a database of local artists and document their work to help collectors explore local art, while also providing an additional tool to enable authentication of the artwork. Documenting your art increases its value, as witnessed by the premium received for work published in books and magazines. This is not an online gallery selling art, however, it does provide collector’s access to art available with participating galleries. We do not get involved in the buying or selling, nor are there any charges or commissions to buyers or sellers. We believe galleries play an essential role in the promotion of an artist and therefore our platform is designed to help local galleries (those that hold regular exhibitions of the local artists).

The website is divided by country and focuses on local art and artists with the following objectives:

• Build a comprehensive database of local artists and their works
• Search engine to browse and stay updated on new artworks and trends
• Monitor new styles and changing consumer behavior
• Follow Artists and Galleries to receive notifications on new uploads
• View different types of available art that each gallery promotes
• Calendar of events
• Increase transparency
• Help participating galleries access a wider audience
• Artists can manage profiles, authenticate their own work and customize their artwork display
• Provide local galleries and collectors a more sophisticated platform and technology compared to individual art websites

Digital images of artwork can be uploaded to the database by a gallery, collector or an artist and maintain an audit trail including timestamps of upload and authentication.

Galleries can manage their pages on the website and share artwork being sold through them or automate the process through an interface in case they maintain their own website.

Artists can update their own profiles and artwork on the website. They will be able to see all their artwork being uploaded by users and authenticate it. Only artists can authenticate their own work.

Collectors can customize what information and artists they would like to stay updated on. They will be able to add new works of art and claim artwork uploaded if they own it, which will be added to their profile.

We believe that building an independently managed, centralized database of art is essential for the growth of any art market. It will help collectors monitor the changing trends by seeing a more detailed portfolio of upcoming artists. Cataloguing will help appreciation in the value of art which can be hindered due to the introduction of copies and fakes. MyArtGuide.com is not an authenticator of artwork but another possible tool to enhance transparency in the art market. The website also intends to expand into displaying College Thesis to help the upcoming talent.

Please email to provide your feedback so we can continue to improve and do upload your artwork at your earliest convenience.

MyArtGuide Team